Different variety of hot peppers
A bunch of chilies isolated on white. Hot pepper Macedonian Fringed, Sarit Gat, Red Cherry, Cayenne, Serrano, Habanero Orange, Jalapeno, Fatalii Yellow, Trinidad Scorpion Moruga and regular chili.
When you eat something extremely hot it may seem as though you’re feeling the burn from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. In reality, though, it’s a bit more localized than that. When it comes to your taste buds it seems the place you feel the burn the most depends on the type of chili pepper you’re eating.
Obviously not all hot peppers are the same.
Not only do they look different but it almost goes without saying that the heat you feel in your mouth can range from mild, at best, to scorching, almost mind-numbing hot! That’s because a pepper’s heat can vary greatly on the Scoville Scale. As soon as you take a bite, some will continue to give off the heat while others deliver a quick shot of the hot stuff, and then it’s over. Yet still, you may also find the heat from some peppers delayed, yet packing quite a punch.
Some peppers hit you right on the tip of your tongue, including the jalapeno, Aji, and Sataka pepper. The poblano pepper is often felt most on the side of your tongue while the bird pepper generally dissipates in your mouth and on your tongue, only to linger on your lips. The Tabasco pepper gets your lips and tongue, while paprika is more of a mid-palate kind of pepper. Yet still, there are some peppers so hot that they get you right in the back of the throat. These include the Trinidad Scorpion, habanero, and the extra fiery ghost pepper. In other words, some peppers and hot foods are on the small side of the heat scale but others deliver a mouth burning punch. You’ll definitely feel it at some point, whether it just strikes at the tip or burns deep within your taste buds.