With more states voting on the legalization (in one form or another) of marijuana, getting high is a hot topic.
At the moment, you can legally use marijuana recreationally in Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, Washington, and, yes, Washington D.C. Medical use is legal in those states (and territory), as well as in Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine. Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
When you think about it, this is rather progressive for the only country that’s not party to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Consider too that the United States is the only developed, Western nation to enforce the death penalty. (Japan is the only other developed country, and Belarus is the only European country.) We join the ranks with Pakistan, China, Afghanistan, and Sudan.
But surely, the United States isn’t totally alone on the path to legalization of marijuana?
You might be surprised.
Consider that in the Netherlands, marijuana can only be sold at certain coffee shops and can still be confiscated by the police. Its use is decriminalized, but it’s not exactly legal. There are a few other countries where marijuana is decriminalized, but still illegal.
You can legally get high on marijuana if you live in Columbia, Spain, Uruguay, as well as parts of India and the United States.
See how liberal the legalization of pot is in the United States now?
Other Drugs Are Strictly a No Go Zone
Okay, you can buy psilocybin kits and spores online, but using those to grow and use psilocybin mushrooms is illegal in the United States.
If you’re really interested, you can use these legally in Brazil, the British Virgin Islands, and the Czech Republic. You’ll also find them readily in the Netherlands, but they’ll be labeled as truffles because of a legal loophole that prohibits truffles from being illegal.
Digging deeper in the drug-sphere, you’ll find cocaine is legal in countries like Columbia, Peru, and Mexico as long as you’re holding minuscule amounts. And heroin isn’t really legal anywhere. (That said, it has been decriminalized in some countries and forms of it are legal when administered by someone with a medical license.)
Why Does All This Matter to a Hot Sauce Company?
It doesn’t.
We don’t really care.
What we do is create hot sauces that are so potent that they trick your brain into releasing endorphins and dopamine. The stems of these terms should look mighty familiar (morphine and dope are related words). You’ll feel elated after consuming super hot sauces. You’ll be giddy (after you stop crying).
We provide a way for people to get high. And we do it legally. Wherever you are in the world. Super hot sauces aren’t illegal anywhere. At least not that we can find.