Chili peppers are loaded with a broad range of nutritional properties, which makes it immensely healthy for the human body.
A diet rich in chili pepper can effectively control many body ailments. Chili peppers have been around for ages. For instance, it is amazing to know that in the US, chili pepper has been a part of diet ever since 7500 BC. However, but it is only now that their health benefits are being increasingly recognized by modern diet experts. The positive impact of chili peppers on your health has been listed below in detail. Read the article to know the many benefits of consuming chili pepper.
Health Benefits Of Eating Chili Peppers
Studies have established that chili peppers have pain-relieving properties. Their consumption provides relief from migraine and sinus headaches. Chili pepper contains a chemical substance called Capsaicin, which controls pain transmission to the brain.
Capsaicin, present in chili pepper, assists in combating nasal congestion, by stimulating secretions that help clear mucus from your throat. The antibacterial properties of chili pepper help fight chronic sinus infections.
According to some studies, the capsaicin in chili pepper helps in killing prostate cancer cells. Their pungent heat also obstructs the spread of prostate cancer cells.
Chili pepper contains high quantities of Vitamin A, C, and also bioflavonoids. These nutrients work together to strengthen blood vessels, making them more elastic and enhancing their ability to adjust to blood pressure fluctuations.
Chili peppers, being naturally hot, make us sweat, which results in fluid loss from the body. This helps in reducing the overall blood volume, though temporarily. As such, potential blood clotting incidents are significantly reduced.
Chili pepper acts as a potent anti-inflammatory agent. It inhibits those substances in the body that are associated with inflammatory processes. Studies expect that capsaicin may well become a treatment for arthritis, psoriasis and diabetic neuropathy one day.
A study conducted by the Duke University (Durham, North Carolina) puts forward that chili pepper may be effective against inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). It can help in killing bacteria such as H. pylori and thereby, assist in preventing stomach ulcers.
Chili peppers have also been associated with fat-burning properties. Thermogenics like capsaicin pump up the metabolism of the body and stimulate its ability to burn fat by generating heat.
It is a little surprising to know that a typical chili pepper contains more vitamin C than an orange. Also, the high content of beta carotene in chili pepper makes it anti-infectious. These nutrients are essential for the health of mucus membranes lining the nasal passages, lungs, intestinal tract, and urinary tract. This helps in building the body’s defense against pathogens.
Eating chili peppers can reduce risks of hyperinsulinemia (high insulin), a disorder identified with type 2 diabetes. Researches have shown that a meal containing chili pepper reduces the amount of insulin required by the body to lower blood sugar levels. Regular consumption can bring insulin requirements further down.
The capsaicin in chili peppers can irritate or cause a burning sensation in your eyes or hands.
Chili oil can be sticky and therefore, it is important to be cautious about touching your eyes after handling the peppers.
Cooking Tips
Wear gloves while cutting chili peppers. Naked hands, when touched to the skin after handling chili peppers, can cause a burning sensation.
Chili peppers can be added while the food is being cooked. In countries like India, people eat chili pepper raw and uncooked as well.
Chili pepper can also be used in a variety of dishes, for the purpose of garnishing.
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