There are all kinds of health benefits tied to eating hot peppers
But now it turns out there may be yet another one, and it’s possibly one you’ve never even thought of. It has to do with consuming capsaicin. Of course, that’s the active, naturally occurring part of chili peppers that makes them so hot. According to a recent study, adding capsaicin to your diet helps with gut health because it helps to increase the diversity of microbiota, or rather good bugs, in your gastrointestinal tract.
Diversity in gut microbiota helps your body fight off disease-causing microorganisms.
It also helps draw energy and nutrients from food and it helps keep your immune system functioning properly. The study found capsaicin’s ability to alter your gut microbial community structure may what’s behind some of its beneficial health effects. In this particular study, scientists used an invitro model to do their research. Because of this, they were then able to observe and track how capsaicin made a difference with a targeted nutritional approach.
Cayenne pepper is rich in capsaicin
And this study shows more promise of the reported health benefits of promoting the use of more cayenne pepper in your diet. This could mean something as simple as adding more raw peppers or more spices while you cook. There are also some supplements on the market you could try. Regardless of how you introduce more cayenne pepper and capsaicin to mealtime, it could be worth a shot. After all, we all know that what we eat can make a big difference in our health, so adding something that also seems to promote better gut health sounds like a healthy decision all around. Not only could it possibly help you feel better and healthier right now, but it may also help your future health.