There are a lot of good reasons to love October – especially if you already love hot sauce.
Here are a few of our favorite reasons.
Oktoberfest – There’s nothing like downing liters of beers with your friends while singing songs, dancing like loons, and gorging yourself on sausages and mustard. Yes, that’s what Oktoberfest is – at least in Munich, where it originates.
Interestingly, Americans seem to have transformed the concept from the original German invention. We think of it as a chance to drink a lot of beer in October. However, the two weeks of Oktoberfest official end on the first Sunday in October (well, the early hours of Monday morning). It should really be called Septemberfest, but let’s not belabor the point; our transference of traditions means that you’re just as likely to find hot sauce on the tables as mustard.
Football and Tailgating
It’s early days still; there are a lot of cold days of football ahead of us on the calendar. But, a lot of them are just that – cold. Depending on where you live, it’s too cold for tailgating. (Though we do understand that there are places where too cold doesn’t mean a damn thing. Anyone been to Green Bay?)
In October, however, the weather is almost perfect for tailgating. It’s just cold enough that some serious hot sauce will make you feel much warmer – and not so cold that you can’t get through the hot dog you’ve just put the hot sauce on.
Halloween – At the end of October, Halloween is there to keep you on your toes. People dress up as monsters and say things that sound as if they took it off the labels of our hot sauces. There are parties where the idea is to test your limits (anyone not tried a reaper pepper yet?), and incredible ways to work hot sauces into the menu.
It’s a strange holiday, where you give gifts of candy (not hot sauces, please) to strangers that come to your house dressed in the most ghastly fashion. But, it’s a reason to enjoy the month of October – or at least a day of it.
Foodie Holidays – If football, beer-drinking, and dressing up like a fool doesn’t interest you at all, then at least there are some foodie holidays that will. October is:
- National Pasta Month,
- National Pickled Peppers Month,
- National Pizza Month,
- National Pork Month, and
- National Seafood Month.
And that’s just the foods that go remarkably well with hot sauce. If you’re looking for ways to celebrate, perhaps it’s time to check out our recipe blog. We’ve got recipes to spice up damn near every October celebration… whatever excuse you use to do it.