If you’ve had weight loss surgery, you probably already realize your limitations when it comes to food.
The key to a healthy lifestyle from this point forward depends, in part, on what you eat. That’s why there are some dos and don’ts when it comes to eating after weight loss surgery. Even before surgery occurred your doctor probably had you on some type of diet and offered up some healthy-eating tips.
This helped your body prepare for surgery, and likely helped put you on the path to a healthier future.
Right after surgery, you’ll probably be on a strict liquid diet for about two weeks. This means consuming things like gelatin, sugar-free popsicles, water, and broth. You’ll then be able to move on to protein shakes. About five weeks out from surgery you’ll want to start focusing on getting more protein in your diet. You won’t want highly processed foods or high-sugar foods. You’ll also want to cut out caffeine and carbonated drinks. Instead, you’ll want to fill up with more veggies. Unfortunately, you’ll probably want to at least reduce spicy food for now until your body gets used to the new diet, so avoid anything on the hot scale. At this point, it’s important to follow through on a nutrition plan. Pay attention to when you feel hungry, and when you feel full. This will help you better understand your body’s needs. Also, make sure you’re staying active and you have a good support system pushing you to achieve your weight goals. One of the most important things is to stay hydrated. Try filling up a 64-ounce container of water and drinking it throughout the day. Dehydration can lead to constipation. If you’re feeling abdominal cramping or nausea, you may be consuming too much sugar. Of course, if you’re having trouble losing weight or gaining weight, you’ll want to talk to your doctor.