Chili Pepper News — alcohol

Can You Get a Hot Sauce Hangover?

Can You Get a Hot Sauce Hangover?

There are few people that escape the transition into adulthood without a hangover under their belt. It happens to most of us at one time or another. And it’s as awful as they say. Your bones feel crushed as you bend towards the toilet retching in pain. Your head hates you so much you can barely open your eyes, and there’s a constant, evil thumping that refuses to diffuse momentarily while you slip back into sleep. You’re thirsty, and you try to swallow those pills with water, knowing full well they’ll be back up with a vengeance… and what remains...

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National Hot as Hell Alcohol Day

National Hot as Hell Alcohol Day

September 28th is National Drink a Beer Day. There are, perhaps, a few people that rarely imbibe alcohol throughout the year who will strangely reach for a beer on this foodie holiday Wednesday. We don’t really know who they are. Either you appreciate a good, cold beer just about any day of the year – or you don’t. And, it’s unlikely that you’ll opt for a beer just because there is a day for that. (There is a day for everything, isn’t there?)

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