Chili Pepper News — Health Benefits
Need a Mood Boost? The Growing List of Health Benefits Tied to Hot Sauce
Spicy foods, including those seasoned with hot sauce, have been associated with several mood-boosting effects. Here are some verified facts about the potential benefits:
Noble Prize awarded for helping explain ancient folk medicine
Capsaicin from hot chili peppers is now used in creams to help topically relieve the pain of arthritis. When capsaicin creams touch your skin, they give off a mild burning or warm tingling sensation. For some this means temporary, yet immediate pain relief.
National Bloody Mary Day
January 1st is National Bloody Mary Day Happy New Year! As the cries ring out just after midnight, you may feel a horrible, sinking sensation that you will not spend the day happy at all. Well, actually, you’re not likely to realize that for a few hours. It happens. Unless you’ve been nominated as a designated driver, or you’re the type to crawl into bed at 10 pm on New Year’s Eve, there’s a fair chance you’ll get carried away by the holiday spirit and find yourself imbibing one too many. That’s why the Bloody Mary was created. Unsurprisingly, New...
Mad Dog 357 Plutonium Facts
Five Times When You’ll Need to Know about Plutonium Pepper Extract
We know that you think your hot sauce addiction is private – that no one shares your capsaicin predilections. But, you’re wrong. Across the globe, people are begging for the hottest hot sauces and extracts they can get their hands on (or rather their TRVP 1 receptors, but that’s another story). As consumers adjust, the demand for plutonium hot sauce is shooting through the roof (or they are as they taste it).

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