Chili Pepper News — pepper extracts
Choosing Gourmet Hot Sauces
Have you become tired and disillusioned with the “barely hot enough to make a difference” hot sauces that you find on tables at your local restaurants? If you’re a chili head in the making, that’s hardly surprising. After all, those condiments barely rank on the Scoville scale. And, because they’re usually mass-produced, they usually don’t carry the flavor you’d expect from a sauce. Once you’ve found yourself in the predicament of wanting a better hot sauce, but not knowing where to turn, you know it’s time to invest in some gourmet hot sauces! Here are some tips on choosing gourmet...
World’s Hottest Sauces
There are hot sauces, and then there are the world’s hottest sauces. Everyone has a threshold they can tolerate. Capsaicin works a little differently on each person, of course.

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