Two Cayenne Pepper Recipes for Knee Pain Relief

For instant and soothing pain relief for aching and sore joints including arthritis

Look no further than your kitchen pantry. You can create oils and lotions using all-natural ingredients that are not only healthy for your skin but affordable as well. Capsaicin is the active ingredient found in cayenne pepper and works to relieve pain by numbing the sensory nerves, but cayenne also stimulates blood flow and increases circulation which can help with healing of sore joints and muscles.

Cayenne Pepper Massage Oil

  • Add 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper to 1 cup of warm olive oil or almond oil
  • Mix well and apply directly to knee joint

This warming oil soothes achy and sore joints and muscles. Rub firmly to get deep into the tissues.

Cayenne Pepper Lotion

  • Mix 1/4-1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper with 1 cup of lotion
  • Apply a generous amount to the knee joint
  • Wash hands after handling lotion

Please note that these recipes are herbal recipes and can have different effects on each person and may or may not be effective for their intended use.

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