Supper Swiftly Sorted

You know exactly how it goes.

You’re wrapping up work (wherever and whatever that might be) and you’re hungry. You’re thinking about what you can eat quickly and easily that’s freaking delicious and doesn’t break the bank.

And, if you’re like most people, this happens nearly every day.

Of course, we’re not saying that you’re not hungry on some days; sometimes you’re just better prepared for your need to eat.

As you start running through ideas: drive-thru, delivery, a quick stop at the nearest grocery store, you’ve probably already forgotten a critical step… figuring out what’s in the fridge already.

It’s okay, we all get hungry to the point where it’s frustratingly difficult to think logically.

But, you really should start here. If you need a reason, we’ve got several:

  • Your budget
  • Your health
  • Wasted food
  • Wasted time

Those are just the big ones.

On top of that, we also know that most people in most areas aren’t going to get anything that satisfies their super hot sauce cravings anywhere other than home. The restaurant and fast food industries simply aren’t equipped to deal with those demands.

What’s in your fridge?

The awesome thing is that just about anything you have in your fridge will go marvelously with Mad Dog’s super hot sauces. And, if you’re already experienced in the kitchen, we probably don’t need to give you any advice.

But, we will give you some inspiration (it’s totally free whether you have kitchen skills or not). We’ve got a whole host of recipes that you can search by hot sauce.

Yip. If you’ve got chicken in your freezer, you can search for that. The same goes for Mad Dog 357 Original Hot Sauce. Want tacos, just search for them.

The Mad Dog recipe library has all things good and plenty of ideas for you to make the most of whatever you have kicking about.

A quick search will have supper sorted swiftly – and probably leave you with fiery leftovers so that tomorrow, you won’t have this issue again.

Ready to get supper sorted swiftly?

Take a browse through our recipe library for something that makes you salivate. You might just be surprised at how tasty and quickly you can feed your face.

Get fiery inspiration here

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