Blog — mad dog 357

4 Things You Didn’t Know Your Hot Sauce Could Do

4 Things You Didn’t Know Your Hot Sauce Could Do

Your favorite, hotter-than-hell hot sauce stings like the devil and tastes like heaven. It’ll also trigger an endorphin release like a god.

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Why hot sauce is so important for apocalypse preppers

Why hot sauce is so important for apocalypse preppers

If you’re busy squirreling away to prepare for dark days, there’s 1 thing you absolutely don’t want to forget. Here’s why hot sauce is so important. 

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How to free your clothes from hot sauce stains

How to free your clothes from hot sauce stains

Hustling to get that hot sauce dribble off your shirt before it sets? Get fast & fuss-free tips for hot sauce stain removal. Easy.

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Can Mad Dog hot sauce bridge the generational divide?

Can Mad Dog hot sauce bridge the generational divide?

No matter which generation you find yourself in, it’s difficult to understand older and younger generations

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