Blog — mad dog 357

Another Family Feast?

Another Family Feast?

Since the first day back after New Years, you’ve been counting the days to the next long weekend off from work. (Don’t deny it; we know you’re counting even now.) 

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Cram for that Exam

Cram for that Exam

It seemed like a good idea to go out every night for the last month when you were in the groove. Now you’re broke and you’ve got major tests ahead of you.

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What to Do with Hot Dogs

What to Do with Hot Dogs

With baseball season around the corner, you’re probably craving a hot dog right about now. You know, all juicy and covered with all the yummiest toppings you can squeeze into a bun… and then to shovel into your mouth with your fingers because you couldn’t possibly waste a single morsel.

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Cheese, Glorious Cheese (and Plenty of Hot Sauce Too)

Cheese, Glorious Cheese (and Plenty of Hot Sauce Too)

We’re fast coming up on April which is – above all – National Grilled Cheese Month. And, while it’s better to have a whole month of grilled cheese, no one is waiting for April to indulge. Not us anyhow.

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