Chili Pepper News — chips

Reaper Chips Breaking the Internet

Reaper Chips Breaking the Internet

The internet is a funny, funny thing. It’s transformed everything over the past few decades – research, connections with high school friends, and an endless stream of shit to buy or obsess over. And, you never know what’s going to become a sensation. While few things are as powerful as Kim Kardashian’s ass, you’ll find that rainbow highlighter makeup and Carolina Reapers tend to hold a lot more weight than the cute kitten videos it’s impossible to escape.

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National Chips and Dip Day

National Chips and Dip Day

March 23rd is National Chips and Dip Day. And that’s the perfect excuse to talk about food cravings. That’s because most people have experienced these at one point or another. In fact, most people have them pretty regularly. And, chip and dip are just one of those things you crave (especially if you’ve got a Mad Dog chip and dip recipe).

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