Chili Pepper News — facts
Unveiling the Ancient Origins of Hot Chocolate: A Mayan Delicacy
Long before chocolate became the beloved sweet treat we know today, it held a revered status among ancient civilizations like the Mayans. The origins of hot chocolate can be traced back to Mesoamerica, where it was enjoyed by the Mayan people as a sacred and luxurious beverage. Let's delve into the fascinating history of hot chocolate and uncover its ancient origins.
Pepper Profile: The Habanero
It may not be the hottest pepper in the world anymore, but you certainly don’t want to underestimate the habanero! This very hot pepper still packs quite a punch. Ranked the world’s hottest pepper by Guinness in the late 1990s, the habanero has been surpassed by a number of super-hot peppers over the years. Even so, it’s at least 70 times hotter than the average jalapeno, with some measuring even hotter than that.

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