Chili Pepper News — peppers
What makes some people seek out hotter and hotter peppers
It’s no secret that some people crave hot peppers, and some people, well, don’t. For those of us who just can’t get enough of spicy, hot flavor, we may wonder why on earth anyone would give up the chance to sample the spicy hot flavors of hot chilis and hot chili-flavored products.
Making The Perfect Hot Sauce
If you find yourself constantly craving the flavor of hot sauce, but you’re having a hard time finding just the right blend to suit your taste buds, you may want to try your hand at making your very own bottle of hot sauce. The appeal of making the perfect hot sauce is hard to beat, especially if you’re constantly having a hard time finding just the right one.
Tips For Harvesting Pepper Plants
If you find yourself constantly craving hot peppers, you’ve probably thought about growing your own. Luckily, they’re pretty easy to grow and pretty easy to harvest. If you follow a few easy tips on how and when to pick the best peppers you’re sure to come out with great results.
Chili Pepper Growing Tips and Tricks
Just about anything can taste great straight from the garden, and if you have your heart set on fresh chili peppers, the process may prove easier than you think. Growing fresh chili peppers is much like growing other popular garden veggies. It becomes even easier if you follow a few growing tips and tricks of the trade.

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