Chili Pepper News — Pepper
What makes some people seek out hotter and hotter peppers
It’s no secret that some people crave hot peppers, and some people, well, don’t. For those of us who just can’t get enough of spicy, hot flavor, we may wonder why on earth anyone would give up the chance to sample the spicy hot flavors of hot chilis and hot chili-flavored products.
Pepper Profile: The Carolina Reaper
The Carolina Reaper pepper is proof that sometimes leaving it up to nature alone isn’t enough. This pepper crossbreed is a former record holder when it comes to the world’s hottest chili pepper. While it took home the honor several years ago, the Reaper is still seriously hot. First bred in a greenhouse in South Carolina, the average Carolina Reaper far surpasses 1 million SHU, but it has the ability to top more than 2 million SHU. It’s a cross between the ghost pepper and a red habanero pepper; two extremely hot contenders in their own right.
You Really Shouldn’t Fear the Jalapeno Pepper
Conflict is a part of life. It’s always been that way. And, you can more or less chalk it all up to economics… or religion. But, let’s not get into that. Let’s just leave it at the fact that violence exists in the world as a result of conflict.
And, there are probably more violent outbursts than you might imagine erupting all over the globe.
British Outcry Selling Reapers
In the States, it’s completely obvious that chili peppers are growing in popularity. They’re everywhere in one form or another. They’re in spicy sandwiches and cropping up as sauce offerings on the side. Hotter wings are on the menu. Even Wendy’s is offering hot as hell fries. Like we said – obvious.
We’re not the only country adopting the hot food trend. Across the Atlantic, British restaurants are picking up on the trend. They’re even making it easier to indulge at home.

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