Chili Pepper News — chili
What makes some people seek out hotter and hotter peppers
It’s no secret that some people crave hot peppers, and some people, well, don’t. For those of us who just can’t get enough of spicy, hot flavor, we may wonder why on earth anyone would give up the chance to sample the spicy hot flavors of hot chilis and hot chili-flavored products.
The Red Coats Are Coming
The British aren’t known for their spicy foods. In fact, they’re actually recognized worldwide for having some of the blandest food on the planet.
The appeal of Red foods
If one particular food just looks better than another, it may be the color that’s drawing you in. It seems that your brain is hardwired to crave certain foods based on color, with red food getting the red-hot response. At least that’s what one particular survey by the International School For Advanced Studies found. Researchers discovered that when deciding what to eat based on calories, we’re dependent on color code to help seal the deal.
DIY Chili Pepper Infused Vodka
As if vodka wasn’t a treasure in itself, infusing a bottle of vodka with red hot chili peppers is what leprechauns might find at the end of a rainbow. You’re definitely striking gold with this combination.
Here’s how to get the best results!

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