Chili Pepper News — peppers

All Hot Sauce is Not Created Equal

All Hot Sauce is Not Created Equal

When it comes to hot sauce, obviously not every flavor and type is created in the same way with the same ingredients. It’s true that most hot sauce is red, but it’s not always the case. The color of hot sauce is usually tied to the color of the pepper used to make it. With that in mind, most ripe hot peppers are red; meaning the hot sauce also comes out red. There are, however, exceptions. A ripe jalapeno is green, so hot sauce derived from jalapenos often comes out green. Much like the pepper itself, it also comes out...

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Pepper Profile: The Habanero

Pepper Profile: The Habanero

It may not be the hottest pepper in the world anymore, but you certainly don’t want to underestimate the habanero! This very hot pepper still packs quite a punch. Ranked the world’s hottest pepper by Guinness in the late 1990s, the habanero has been surpassed by a number of super-hot peppers over the years. Even so, it’s at least 70 times hotter than the average jalapeno, with some measuring even hotter than that.

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Choosing The Perfect Hot Sauce

Choosing The Perfect Hot Sauce

When it comes to hot peppers and hot sauce you may discover a clear favorite early on, or you may have a hard time choosing between several varieties. After all, it’s not a decision of one-size-fits-all. Most of us have our own particular taste, and we have to find just the right hot sauce to deliver that perfect tasting fit. That’s because your own individual palate determines which hot sauce you like the best.

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Hot Dads: Founding Fathers Were First to Plant Peppers

Hot Dads: Founding Fathers Were First to Plant Peppers

As if being #1 and #3 Presidents and authoring the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were not enough, George Washington and Thomas Jefferson were talented gardeners as well. Both were the first Presidents to dip their green thumbs into planting peppers.

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