Oscars on Fire!
While the red carpet is buzzing about who is wearing who and who is dating who, we’re most concerned about who likes it spicy…and even those who don’t.
Here is a list of some of your nominated actors and actresses who are turned on or turned off by hot and spicy foods:
How Peppers Were Used in Mexico’s Early Times
Like many early cultures, Mexico’s handmade artifacts were a significant indicator of a country’s cultural development.
Pottery was a striking example of how the early people cooked, ate, transported water, drank, stored food, and even held the remains of loved ones.
Hidden Peppers: Jalapeños were First Peppers in Space
Did you know that jalapeños were intergalactic?
Jalapeños were the very first peppers in space which makes all the other peppers quite jealous.
The year was 1982 and the Space Shuttle Columbia was departing on NASA’s fifth space shuttle mission called STS-5. It was a five-day flight that departed on November 11 and landed on November 16.
The 5 Tastiest, Spiciest Hamburgers in America
Caution! This post will make your mouth water and maybe even a little hot! We’ve scoured America for the spiciest and tastiest hamburgers that our tastebuds are jumping up and down for. From Coast to Coast - here is a list of the best of the best, let us know if there is one in your hometown we need to add!
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