There are few foodie holidays we love more than National Guacamole Day.
Falling on the 14th of November every year, this is a day to celebrate. And, it’s super easy to do so. Not only will you find guacamole complementing spicy dishes on menus across the country, but it’s also dead easy to make.
But, let’s be honest, the reason we love guacamole is that it goes ever so well with chili peppers. It’s got that creamy cool texture that quickly relieves the sting of our favorite dishes. And, it should do. After all, chili peppers and avocados are both native to Central and South America. It’s nature’s way of saying you should eat these together, isn’t it?
Well, we think so.
An Avocado By Any Other Name Is…
At the heart of every good guacamole recipe is an avocado. Or rather a several avos because a small batch never seems to be enough.
Fortunately, we live in a world where it’s entirely possible to have fresh avocados all year round; they just need to be imported from somewhere. But, depending on where you order from, you may need to switch your terminology. You see, they’re not called avocados everywhere.
In some parts of the world, avocados are better known as Alligator Pears. Yep. You can guess where that comes from with the scaly skin of each avo and the classic shape of the fruit. When you’re done giggling about that, we’ve got another one for you.
The Aztecs (one of the first civilizations to cultivate avocado trees about 10,000 years ago) called these trees Ahuacatl. Means nothing to you at the moment, and you may have a difficult time pronouncing it. So, you may want to work with the English translation... testicle tree. Or maybe, you’d rather not. Because if Alligator Pear is literal, you’ll get a terrific picture in your mind when you work with the Aztec word.
Moving Right Along
We don’t want to dwell too long on that. We’re happy to move quickly onto guacamole, the reason we celebrate on the 14th of November.
And, if you want to know what we’re doing to party down Mad Dog style, we can help you out.
This year, we’re doing two different guacamole recipe:
• Zingy Fresh Pea Guacamole
And, we’re turning this foodie holiday into a full-on feast with these gorgeous Mad Dog dishes:
We know you want to join us for this deliciousness, but we’ve provided you with complete recipes in case you can’t.