Blog — growing peppers
Cultivating Super Hot Chilies
With the right techniques and conditions, you can cultivate fiery peppers right in your backyard and you will always have fresh chilies ready to add to your favorite recipes.
The best & worst companion plants for your pepper plants
Some people just can’t get enough of hot peppers. They taste great, they’re packed with health benefits, and they add an extra dose of spice to just about anything. You may love peppers so much you’ve thought of growing a plant or two in your home garden.
Tips for growing chili pepper plants at home
If you just can’t get enough of the taste and flavor of hot peppers, you may find it hard to satisfy your growing hunger for hotter and hotter peppers gleaned from the hot pepper scale. While you may not always be able to find some of your favorite flavors at your local grocery store, you can try growing your own.
The Best Peppers for your Home Garden
If you just can’t get enough of hot peppers, why not try growing some at home. You can grow them from seed starting indoors in the winter, or you can buy some pepper plants and put them in the ground after the final frost of spring. It’s possible to grow them in containers as well as as raised beds.

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