Blog — chili pepper seeds
What really makes peppers so spicy hot?
It’s no secret some peppers are extremely spicy, but have you ever wondered what exactly makes them so spicy hot? While a lot of people seem to think it’s the seeds, the seeds aren’t the true source of the spiciness at all.
The easiest way to grow peppers from seed
Many of us can’t get enough of hot peppers. Wouldn’t it be great if you could sometimes indulge in fresh peppers straight from your own home garden. It turns out you can, but growing peppers isn’t necessarily the same as growing any other fruit or veggie.
The Best Peppers for your Home Garden
If you just can’t get enough of hot peppers, why not try growing some at home. You can grow them from seed starting indoors in the winter, or you can buy some pepper plants and put them in the ground after the final frost of spring. It’s possible to grow them in containers as well as as raised beds.
How to dehydrate chili peppers in the oven
Have you ever opened the fridge to reveal almost nothing but a massive stash of fresh chili peppers? Not just us, right?Every time you see this, you swear you won’t let one of these precious peppers go to waste. We know; we’ve done it too. But, even if you’re a super sincere chili head, there’s only so much you can get through at a time. It’s why we’re all for dehydrating a least a portion of the chili peppers that seemed to have moved into your fridge, making it impossible to find room for the other food you need to get those...

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