Blog — Health Benefits
Heading Back to the Office? Remember to Bring Mad Dog with You!
Remember your office? Can you recall the conversations and break room lunches? If it’s been a while since you last forayed into your usual workplace, we’ve got a tip for you:
4 Things You Didn’t Know Your Hot Sauce Could Do
Your favorite, hotter-than-hell hot sauce stings like the devil and tastes like heaven. It’ll also trigger an endorphin release like a god.
Some People Needed Hand Washing Tutorials; Not Hot Sauce Lovers
A month or two ago, something new hit your social media channels. No, it wasn’t the COVID-19, but it was a spin-off from the pandemic sweeping the globe. Hand washing videos suddenly became a thing.
This Is the Hot Sauce That Takes Away Loneliness
The world is a lonely place right now, no matter how many “Houseparty” get-togethers and Zoom drinking sessions you have. Under the various self-isolation, quarantine, and lockdown situations across the globe, a sense of loneliness (or worse) is very natural.

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