Blog — Health Benefits
How to use hot sauce to lose weight
Getting in better shape, however, takes some willpower and some hard work. As any health expert will tell you, you need to cut down on your portions, eat healthier, and exercise more. But could hot sauce be the secret ingredient to dropping those extra pounds fast?
The best & worst companion plants for your pepper plants
Some people just can’t get enough of hot peppers. They taste great, they’re packed with health benefits, and they add an extra dose of spice to just about anything. You may love peppers so much you’ve thought of growing a plant or two in your home garden.
Time Matters When it Comes to the Best Time of Day to Eat Spicy Food
If you love spicy food, you may want to make sure you time it right. It turns out the time of day sometimes matters when you’re trying to get your spicy food fix. It’s no secret that hot peppers are packed with vitamins and nutrients.
Start Your Day Off Right With Spicy Food
You’ve probably heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, so why not start your day off right? Sure, you can go for traditional bacon and eggs, bagels, or pancakes, but you can also take it up a notch by adding some extra spice.

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