Blog — Love Spicy Food
How to Cool Things Down After Spicy Food
From mouthwatering hot wings to fiery chili, the heat can provide a culinary adventure like no other. However, for those moments when the heat becomes overwhelming and your taste buds need a break, it's essential to have effective strategies to cool things down. We present you with how to find relief and soothe the fire after indulging in spicy food.
Spice Overload? How to cool things down after spicy food
We get it, some people just love spicy food! And why not? Spicy food gives any meal an extra dose of flavor, but it also sometimes sets our mouth on fire! You may find your nose is running and you’ve temporarily lost your ability to taste anything but the spice. You can thank the capsaicin.
Decoding the spicy food high
While some people say they do it for the flavor and for the bragging rights, others point to the spicy food high. That’s because some people claim it’s possible to feel a sort of high from eating spicy food
Home remedies that help combat acidity
You may think there’s no such thing as too much of a good thing, but sometimes your body doesn’t always agree with what your mind’s telling you.

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