
This is the hot sauce that’s best for the food court

This is the hot sauce that’s best for the food court

On any given day, more than a third of Americans consume fast food of some sort. We all know we shouldn’t eat so much of the delicious, greasy goodness that comes to us in our cars and while pausing between spending sprees at the mall.We also know why we do it.

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What to do with your hella huge chili pepper harvest

What to do with your hella huge chili pepper harvest

Summer is coming to a close. Yes, we hear your protest. But, it’s also time to harvest all those chili peppers in the garden. Harvest… and then?

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Back-to-school? Time for hot sauce

Back-to-school? Time for hot sauce

Say what? Well, why not? You may not think there’s any link between hot sauce and the back-to-school frenzy that hits the country in August… but, we see hot sauce in everything. And, there’s always a reason to add hot sauce to your list (whether that’s your to-do list or your shopping list). Over here at Mad Dog HQ, this is how we see the back-to-school season and hot sauce making the most of each other.

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Hot sauce, roller coaster or both together

Hot sauce, roller coaster or both together

Last year, a foolish teen chucked a packet of hot sauce at a roller coaster. Yes, while it was roaring along its tracks. It tore open and flooded the eyes of at least one rider. And then the police were called to Cedar Point Amusement Park in Sandusky, Ohio. Because, well, hot sauce doesn’t belong in your eyes – as everyone knows.

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