Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauce

Mad Dog Barbacoa Beef Burritos

Mad Dog Barbacoa Beef Burritos

 When massive, fast-casual burritos hit the scene, people went wild for them – and now they’re a staple that you just need to have. This recipe isn’t about making it cheaper (though you may save a bundle if you’re feeding eight, as this recipe will) – it’s about the delicious burn of Mad Dog slow-infused into every delicious bit of beef. Now, that sounds good, doesn’t it?

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Knock-Your-Socks-Off Gnocchi

Knock-Your-Socks-Off Gnocchi

With the first bite, you’ll fall in love as you fall off your chair. Seriously, the heat will knock your socks off and the flavors soaked in by the potato gnocchi will wow you in ways you’ve never imagined.

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Scary hot Mad Dog Samoosas

Scary hot Mad Dog Samoosas

Looking for an international dish that’ll pull you out of a snacking slump? These spicy Indian-inspired samoosas will do just that. In fact, you’ll start calling them a meal instead of a snack after you scarf the whole batch down in a single go. Seriously, these are worth the small amount of effort you’ll put in.

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Blazing Baked Onion Rings

Blazing Baked Onion Rings

The only reason you don’t have fiery onion rings at home has to be the mess of hot oil you’d rather do without. Or, perhaps it’s because you never knew how to work Mad Dog 357 Hot Sauce into the rings themselves. Either way, we’ve totally got you covered. These are the way onion rings should be, don’t you think?

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