Chili Pepper News — ghost pepper
Is Fast Food Becoming Too Hot?
As we look to wrap the third financial quarter of the year, it’s worth looking at some of the fast-food trends of the second quarter. Namely, we’re concerned with reports that this year’s release of Wendy’s Ghost Pepper Fries didn’t perform as well as expected.
National Lager Day
We do have a small tip though, especially if you’ve never tried a chili beer; never buy just chili beer. You need to have a backup beer on tap, so to speak. Remember how much your mouth burned the first time you tried a super hot sauce? Mix that together with a liquid that moves it around to the back of your throat even faster and… well, we’re just saying that you’re going to want those spare, safe beers on National Lager Day.
Mad Dog Halloween
It’s that time of year again. The leaves on the trees are changing colors, bursting with the reds, yellows, and oranges so often associated with the hottest peppers on the planet. And, as they start to fall, it’s time to consider the holiday season which seemingly begins on October 31st and stretches into the new year. It seems that everything becomes more frenzied as the temperature drops. And, what better way to kick-off the commotion than with a Mad Dog Halloween.

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