Health Benefits — Capsaicin

What is Capsaicin?

What is Capsaicin?

If you’re a proper chili head, then you know all about capsaicin. But (if you can believe it), there are still plenty of people that just don’t know how incredible capsaicin is. And that’s a little sad because it’s brimming with more than fire – it got plenty of healing properties too. Just being a chili head may have the power to help you live longer, be happier and healthier too. Now’s the time to start considering what’s so special about capsaicin; there’s a lot more to it than you think. So what is Capsaicin?

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Just Breathe: How Hot Peppers Can Help Asthma Sufferers

Just Breathe: How Hot Peppers Can Help Asthma Sufferers

Crazy right? How many times have you felt like you couldn’t breathe when you tasted a spicy hot pepper that set your insides on fire and numbed every tastebud on your tongue? That sneaky little component, capsaicin, (it’s what makes hot sauce HOT) can actually be a magical substance to help reduce wheezing and clear airways to help you breathe comfortabl

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Tales of Cinnamon and Obesity

Tales of Cinnamon and Obesity

You might be wondering what cinnamon and obesity really have to do with each other. And, it’s likely to strike you as odd that we’re dealing with either on a blog dedicated to hotter-than-hell hot sauces. The truth is that there are a lot of links between hot sauces, cinnamon, and obesity. (Please notice we didn’t say similarities… though there are some.)

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Capsaicin Slows Lung Cancer

Capsaicin Slows Lung Cancer

This time, capsaicin is in the news for slowing the growth of lung cancer tumors. And, this research is undeniably important. In fact, even if you haven’t been affected by cancer in the past, you’ll want to pay attention to this. It reveals something phenomenal about capsaicin that you truly must know.

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