Health Benefits — Capsaicin
Spice Up Your Life: More Proof That Chili Peppers Help You Live Longer
Beyond their culinary appeal, chili peppers have also been linked to a myriad of health benefits. In fact, recent scientific studies provide further evidence that consuming chili peppers and their key component, capsaicin, may contribute to a longer and healthier life.
Should you eat pepper seeds?
By now you’ve probably heard some of the health benefits of eating hot peppers, but what about the seeds? If it’s healthy to eat hot peppers, it’s certainly healthy to eat the seeds, right? Not so fast.
10 fat-burning ingredients in dietary supplements
Some people will try anything to lose weight. This sometimes includes taking dietary supplements to boost metabolism and take off the pounds. If that’s your goal in the new year, you’ll want to look for an effective supplement with some of these fat-burning ingredients.
How keeping cayenne pepper in your home could save your life
A lot of us enjoy the taste of hot peppers but keeping cayenne pepper in your home could do more than just flavor your next meal. It turns out it could potentially save your life in an emergency.

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