Health Benefits — pain
Tips on building your tolerance to spicy foods
You may think you like spicy food, but do you have the tolerance to handle the heat? For most of us, it takes some getting used to all the intense flavors. This means building up your tolerance over time, and not just expecting to be able to start at the top of the Scoville Scale right away.
How to soothe the aches and pains with capsaicin-infused Aspercreme
If you’re suffering from minor aches and pains or even arthritis, you may be looking for something to soothe your troubles.
Capsaicin in a patch - could it be the cure for chronic pain?
Lots of people deal with occasional aches and pains from time to time, but If you’re dealing with chronic pain of any kind you know there are some days it just feels unbearable. Many people combat the pain by turning to prescription drugs. In the case of Painful Diabetic Neuropathy, or PDN, it’s estimated more than 95-percent of people turn to some type of medication.
The Human Body and Capsaicin
The magical, molecular compound works hard for your body
Capsaicin, the compound found in every part of the chile pepper (except the seeds), benefits the body in many ways once it is consumed. From the head down to the toes, capsaicin is felt by many by a hot, burning sensation that gives both pain and pleasure. However, the way the body processes capsaicin aids to help by providing various nutritional benefits.

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