Health Benefits — scoville heat scale
Fighting cancer with chili peppers
Chili peppers have long been favored by people who want to spice up mealtime But now it turns out chili peppers could play another important role in keeping you healthy. Researchers are looking at using capsaicin to help fight off several different types of cancer by keeping the cancer from growing.
6 good reasons to add more spicy food to your diet
It’s hard to believe anyone doesn’t love the taste of spicy food. There are so many great options when it comes to trying out new flavors on the hot pepper scale, it’s sometimes hard to choose just one. Luckily, you don’t have to
Want to improve digestion? Try pepper!
There are all kinds of pills and supplements on the market that claim to help with digestion. Sure, you can try one, but before you head to the health food store, you may want to look around your house. There are certain plants that can sometimes do the trick naturally.
What really happens when you eat spicy food?
It’s hard to pass up the chance to experiment with the hot pepper scale. After all, many of us find ourselves drawn to the heat, as we brave hotter and hotter peppers for their flavor, and sometimes for bragging rights.

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