Do your eyes bleed from all the time you spend staring at one screen or another?
Okay, does it just feel like they could start at any minute? Are you doing battle against dry eyes daily? You know it’s a problem if you’re continually searching for a bottle of eye drops, right?
Believe it or not, super hot sauce might just be the thing that eases the strain on your eyes and keeps them working for you – instead of against you – for years to come.
And super hot sauce is a hell of a lot cheaper than cataract or Lasik surgeries. It’s also something you can totally slip into your daily life. (Plus it’s way cooler to carry around super hot sauces like Mad Dog 357 Gold Collector’s Edition Hot Sauce than it is to carry around a bottle of eye drops.)
Worried screen time will make you blind in the future?
While you may assume your vision declines over time and that going blind is just part of growing old, it’s not. Yeah, it’s common as all hell, but it’s not inevitable.
If you’re in your 20s or 30s, now’s when you need to take steps so you can still see what you want in the future.
According to the World Health Organization, 80% of vision impairment is avoidable. And don’t think most of those people are living in developing countries. Even in developed countries like the United States, some 50% is preventable.
It means we need to take some time to take care of our eyes. And yeah, it means we shouldn’t spend so much damn time staring at the screen. But it doesn’t stop there.
Whipping out that bottle of super hot sauce you’ve been carrying around like one of the cool kids might make a big difference.
Get more than one awesome improvement in a drop of super hot
Okay, so you’ve ordered a bottle of Mad Dog 357 Gold Collector’s Edition Hot Sauce, and you’re sitting timidly in front of it, wondering what kind of a difference it’s going to make to your bleeding eyes now and your vision in the future.
It all depends on how much you can handle, but there are a couple of benefits you can expect from even a drop of super hot.
It’s all about the vitamins found in super hot peppers
Inside every chili pepper, you’re going to find a ton of vitamins and minerals that your body needs. But, for now, we’re only concerned with two of them:
- Vitamin C
- Lutein
Vitamin C you know well; it’s been something that’s been with you since you first talked your parents into buying the vitamins that taste like candy after watching the commercials sandwiched between Saturday morning cartoons. You know, when that was still a thing.
In any case, Vitamin C battles free-radical damage and helps build collagen, which helps to structure your cornea. (Plus, it’ll keep you looking younger longer, so win-win.) It also helps to prevent macular degeneration (the macula is the central part of your retina).
Lutein may be a new one for you, but it’s pretty essential to your eyes. When you consume Lutein (which is indeed found in chili peppers and, therefore, super hot sauces), these antioxidants hang out around your macula. That’s precisely where you want them as they act as a sunblock for your retina and may help protect your eyes from the harmful blue light emitted by all those screens you spend all day looking at.
If that’s not a reason to dig into some super hot sauce, we just don’t know.
Extra benefit: you’ll spend time away from your screen
Moreover, when you’re indulging in your favorite super hot sauce, you might improve your eyesight (or, at least, your chances of maintaining what you have) because you’ll need to stop staring at the computer or phone for a few minutes.
For real. You’ll be crying and dancing around the room for a while. And then, you’ll feel so good that you won’t need to turn to your phone for validation. You’ll be able to kick back and simply enjoy your life (through the pain, of course).
Big mistake: never think pepper spray will help
But, as good a super hot sauce can be for your eyes, and no matter how badly you want to protect your eyes from blue light with Lutein, don’t go around filling the room with pepper spray. It’s a bad move. And it definitely won’t improve your eyesight. Mostly, you shouldn’t expect lasting damage if you experience pepper spray once or twice. But, it’s definitely not going to help.
Sold on super hot sauce to protect your eyes?
Listen, we’re not doctors or anything, but Mad Dog super hot sauces are so fiery fantastic that you won’t be able to resist whether they help your eyesight or not.