Blog — capsaicin burn
Too Much Spice? How to Cool Things Down Fast
If you’ve ever found yourself in a situation where you’ve had a bit too much spice, you know you need to cool things down fast! While many of us love the taste of spicy food, there probably comes a time for all of us that we’ve hit our limit. We need too cool things down, and fast!
Tips for “neutralizing” the spice of spicy foods
Spicy food oftentimes isn’t for the faint of heart. Some of the hottest peppers on the planet are packed with capsaicin, and that means an extra dose of heat. Sure, eating spicy food delivers a bit of a thrill, but sometimes the heat can be a bit overwhelming.
What to do, and not to do, when you eat a hot pepper
Some peppers are so hot they can actually make you start sweating and even tear up. It’s always good to know what type of pepper it is before you take that first bite. If you know this, you can check the Scoville Scale to get an idea of how hot it is beforehand.

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