Blog — hot and spicy
10 inventive ways to use hot sauce
Spicy food lovers are always looking for hot new ways to spice things up. If you can’t get enough of hot sauce, you’re in luck! There are several inventive ways to put hot sauce to good use.
Too much spice? Try these cures
A lot of us love spicy food, but sadly you may end up in a situation where you’ve overdone it on the extra spice. Luckily, there’s help. If you ever find yourself with too much spice to handle, there are simple cures to cool things down fast.
A pepper a day keeps the pests away
If you’ve ever tried to grow a home garden, you know that pests can sometimes ruin it for everyone. Squirrels, in particular, seem to be especially attracted to certain garden staples, and even attracted to certain seasonal decor you might be putting on your front porch come fall.
Too Much Spice? How to Cool Things Down Fast
If you’ve ever found yourself in a situation where you’ve had a bit too much spice, you know you need to cool things down fast! While many of us love the taste of spicy food, there probably comes a time for all of us that we’ve hit our limit. We need too cool things down, and fast!

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