Press for Ashley Food Co. — Mad Dog BBQ Sauce
Mad Dog All Natural Barbecue Sauces
Cooking at home can get downright boring. However, the key to success is to include new ingredients in your dishes that you haven't tried before. Once and awhile when you're at the grocery store or reading a favorite website and see a review on seasoning or sauce why not purchase a couple? By putting yourself out there and exposing taste buds and family to new flavors you're constantly challenging and redefining your food palette. Mad Dog Barbecue Sauces might be just the key to gourmet food right from your home kitchen.
Wine Spectator
No two barbecue sauces are the same, with each recipe providing its own combination of snap, tang and spice.
Cook's Illustrated Names Mad Dog Original BBQ Sauce "Best In America"
Designer sauces come out on top in a dual taste test, while sauces heavy in starch and corn syrup bring up the rear.
The best sauces for a summer barbecue
(the Good Cook’s Notebook) The best sauces for a summer barbecue McCalls June 1992 Certain aromas inevitably evoke the feeling of summer: cocoa butter, fresh-cut grass and, of course, burgers and steaks roasting on an outdoor grill. And when the meat is slathered with barbecue sauce, it’s practically more than the senses can bear. We set out to find the best sauces around--and here’s what we found. The full-bodied honey-Dijon flavor of Hunt’s All Natural Thick & Rich Country Style is decidedly habit-forming. Brush it on any grilled food (though it’s especially great on pork or beef ribs). For chicken,...

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