Chili Pepper News — Chili Peppers
5 tips for a longer life- (Hint: eat more hot peppers!)
If you want to live longer, you may want to make a few changes to your diet, your sleep habits and your lifestyle. Don’t worry, we’re not talking about cutting out some of the stuff you love (spicy food!), but rather adding to your healthy habits.
The appeal of Red foods
If one particular food just looks better than another, it may be the color that’s drawing you in. It seems that your brain is hardwired to crave certain foods based on color, with red food getting the red-hot response. At least that’s what one particular survey by the International School For Advanced Studies found. Researchers discovered that when deciding what to eat based on calories, we’re dependent on color code to help seal the deal.
How Peppers Were Used in Mexico’s Early Times
Like many early cultures, Mexico’s handmade artifacts were a significant indicator of a country’s cultural development.
Pottery was a striking example of how the early people cooked, ate, transported water, drank, stored food, and even held the remains of loved ones.
Chili Peppers and the Presidential Elections
Chili Peppers and the Presidential Elections
It’s voting day. Well, it is for a lot of people. Early voters and mail-in voters cast their ballots already. By the time you read this, you may have already been to and from the polls. If not, you should probably get out there are do it. Every vote counts. Seriously.

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