Chili Pepper News — spicy foods
Spicy pepper substance found in breast milk
If you’re a fan of spicy food you may be training your baby right now for a lifetime love of spicy food. It turns out piperine, a spicy substance found in hot peppers, is detectable in breast milk one hour after eating a curry dish containing pepper
The appeal of Red foods
If one particular food just looks better than another, it may be the color that’s drawing you in. It seems that your brain is hardwired to crave certain foods based on color, with red food getting the red-hot response. At least that’s what one particular survey by the International School For Advanced Studies found. Researchers discovered that when deciding what to eat based on calories, we’re dependent on color code to help seal the deal.
Stoned & Sweating: 3 Reasons Former Drug Addicts are Addicted to Spicy Foods
Addiction is no joke and trying to kick any drug or bad habit can be a rough and bumpy road.
Disneyland’s Secret Spicy Menu
Going to Disneyland doesn’t mean you have to choose between the usual amusement park fare of chicken nuggets and corn dogs. Instead of singing “It’s a Bland World After All” know that Disneyland, much like other amusement parks around the U.S., has super-secret menus that you can ask for to liven up your palate. While we love the In n’ Out version of their “Alien-style” Galactic Burger, we are mad over the super-secret, super-spicy plates.

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