Blog — Mad Dog 357 Reaper Sriracha Sauce
The rise of hot sauce around the world
Hot sauce seems to be everywhere these days, from mild concoctions to flavors so hot they seemingly surpass the very limits of the hot pepper scale. While it’s common to see a range of fiery flavors on the market, hot sauce, as we know it, took hundreds, if not thousands of years to perfect.
Which super hot chili flavor fits you best?
Looking for the best super hot chili pepper to make your meal complete?
If you’re after crazy heat, you already know you need to look at the super hots. But what do you do from there?
It’s a tough question – simply as it’s so difficult to wade through the heat of these chili peppers to find the flavor underneath. To make it easier on you, we’ve made this handy guide.
Ghost Peppers: the Ultimate Indian Food?
Got a craving for Indian food?
Perhaps it’s a hankering for ghost peppers?
For many, there’s a strong link between the two. You’ll find ghost peppers on hundreds (if not thousands) of menus in Indian restaurants across the United States.

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