Blog — spicy foods
10 inventive ways to use hot sauce
Spicy food lovers are always looking for hot new ways to spice things up. If you can’t get enough of hot sauce, you’re in luck! There are several inventive ways to put hot sauce to good use.
What’s making me crave so much spicy food?
It’s no secret that many of us love spicy food. In fact, you might say we crave the extra spice so much we’re always looking for new ways to experience the hot pepper scale. But have you ever wondered why you’re craving so much spicy food?
A pepper a day keeps the pests away
If you’ve ever tried to grow a home garden, you know that pests can sometimes ruin it for everyone. Squirrels, in particular, seem to be especially attracted to certain garden staples, and even attracted to certain seasonal decor you might be putting on your front porch come fall.
It tastes good, but is spicy food actually good for you?
Sure, it adds a dose of flavor to mealtime, but is spicy food more than just something that tastes good? In other words, is spicy food good for you? According to dieticians, kicking up the flavor of your food may indeed come with some health benefits.

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