Blog — scoville heat scale
Spice tolerance: Is it nature or nurture?
Have you ever wondered why some people can’t seem to get enough spicy food, and others seemingly overreact to even the slightest hint of spice? Is it because of nature or nurture?
The rise of hot sauce around the world
Hot sauce seems to be everywhere these days, from mild concoctions to flavors so hot they seemingly surpass the very limits of the hot pepper scale. While it’s common to see a range of fiery flavors on the market, hot sauce, as we know it, took hundreds, if not thousands of years to perfect.
The history and science behind hot peppers
It seems there are all kinds of varieties of hot peppers, from mild peppers to moderate ones, to peppers that reach the extreme top of the hot pepper scale. It’s believed peppers have been around for thousands of years, but they weren’t widely known about in all corners of the globe.
What makes some people reach for extra spice?
You may love extra spice, but your spouse or best friend may hate it. So how do some people end up loving it, while others would rather do without? It may have to do with how you grew up, or even your adventurous side.

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