Press for Ashley Food Co. — Mad Dog Inferno
LA Times: Hot Stuff
Hot Stuff
LA Times 1998
Light My Fire carries 200 fire-breathing sauces and salsas
Hot Fun in the Summertime
Want to know what hot is? Hot is cracking open a bottle of Ashley Food’s Mad Dog Inferno hot sauce and taking a brave yet stupid swig of the omnipotent, uber-Caliente condiment. Hot is also feeling the pain and suffering throughout your mouth, tongue, throat and eventually your whole body as the liquid fire rushes through your veins and boils your blood.
Mad Dog Inferno Heats Up Scoville Scale
Just in… At Ashley Food Company: Fancy food distributor David Ashley of Dedham, Mass., claims his Mad Dog Inferno is the hottest bottled sauce in the world. An independent test shows Mad Dog measured more than 112,000 points on the Scoville heat scale, he says, while the hottest habanero sauce rated just under 12,000 points. In addition to being dangerously hot, Mr. Ashley says his complex sauce begins with a sweet, unsulphured molasses base, with red wine vinegar, two kinds of cloves and “the very best” Caribbean spices. (We’re afraid to even open the bottle, so we’ll take his word...
Boston Herald: Hot-Sauce maker goes for the Burn
Boston Herald, Sunday, August 20, 1995
Not surprisingly, it’s called Inferno and it’s searing sauce maker David Ashley’s name onto the culinary map.

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