Health Benefits — longer life
Eat your way to a longer life
If longevity is what you’re after, you may want to consider eating your way to a longer life. We all know that a healthy diet is good for us and probably know that healthy people often live longer, but what if we could focus less on what we give up, and more on one particular food that we already love?
One BIG Reason Why Eating Spicy Food is Good for You
If you’ve ever eating an extremely hot pepper, you know one of those peppers that ranks high on the hot pepper scale, you know just how intense peppers can be. A really strong pepper can make you shed a few tears, or even start sweating.
Spice It Up For A Longer Life
If you just can’t get enough of spicy foods, you could be in for long, long life. At least that’s according to one study on the connection between hot food and longevity.

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