Health Benefits — health
Bring on some sweetness & some spice
While many of us crave extra spice, some of us are brave enough to tackle some of the hottest peppers on the planet. But you don’t have to only reach for extra hot peppers. There’s another pepper out there that some believe is the perfect mix of sweetness and spice. It’s called the banana pepper, but this one doesn’t taste like a banana at all. Banana peppers actually get their name because they’re shaped a bit like the fruit, and they’re also more of a yellowish hue. This might be where the similarities end. Banana peppers are related to chili...
Pain relief straight from the garden
From pills and ointments to creams and sprays, your local pharmacy is probably stocked with all types of pain relief products. But what if you could literally grow pain relief in your own garden?
Eat your way to a longer life
If longevity is what you’re after, you may want to consider eating your way to a longer life. We all know that a healthy diet is good for us and probably know that healthy people often live longer, but what if we could focus less on what we give up, and more on one particular food that we already love?
More reasons why chili peppers are good for your health
If you’re looking for yet another reason to add hot peppers to mealtime, it seems both your health and your taste buds will thank you! While by now you’ve probably heard that hot chili peppers are good for your health, additional research is now backing the theory that chili consumption can potentially help fend off major diseases.

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