Health Benefits — Love Spicy Food
How Spicy Foods Can Help You Stay Cool During Heat Waves
Think back to the spiciest meal you've ever enjoyed. Do you recall the fiery sensation, the beads of sweat forming, and the thrill of the heat? That memorable dish probably came from a country with a hot climate, like Mexico, India, or Thailand. But why do these hot regions favor such spicy food?
How capsaicin may help you lose weight & prevent colon cancer
If you can’t get enough spicy food, you’re in luck! It turns out there may be yet another reason to put more hot peppers in your diet. According to researchers, the capsaicin in hot peppers could be responsible for helping you lose weight and possibly even help prevent colorectal cancer.
Fact or myth: Eating spicy food leads to hemorrhoids
If you suffer from hemorrhoids, or what some people call piles, you may be wondering if your diet is to blame. According to an expert, spicy food isn’t the problem.
More “healthy” reasons to love spicy food
If you love spicy food, eat up! It turns out there are plenty of “healthy” reasons to love the fiery flavor of turning up the heat on mealtime. Not only does spicy food taste great, but it turns out it also comes with a number of health benefits. That’s good news for your health and your taste buds.
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