Health Benefits — mad dog 357

6 good reasons to add more spicy food to your diet

6 good reasons to add more spicy food to your diet

It’s hard to believe anyone doesn’t love the taste of spicy food. There are so many great options when it comes to trying out new flavors on the hot pepper scale, it’s sometimes hard to choose just one. Luckily, you don’t have to

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6 healthy reasons to eat more hot peppers

6 healthy reasons to eat more hot peppers

A lot of people enjoy the taste of hot peppers, while other people indulge in the spicy flavor for bragging rights. No matter what’s fueling your pepper addiction, it’s a good one to have. Hot peppers are packed with health benefits.

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Over 50? Use these healthy habits to speed up your metabolism

Over 50? Use these healthy habits to speed up your metabolism

If you’re over 50, or maybe even close to turning 50, you need to start doing certain things to stay healthy. While it’s important at any age to get regular exercise and stick with routine doctor’s appointments, you also need to eat certain types of foods to stay healthy.

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