Mad Dog 357 Scorpion Hot Sauce — mad dog 357
Cheesy Scorpion Skillet
Cheese, glorious cheese. If you can’t get enough of it, this oven-baked taco dish is full of the cheesy goodness you crave.
Sweet and Spicy Chili Chicken Sandwich
This recipe is proof that Mad Dog makes everything better. It’s deadly easy, deadly hot, and made with the stuff nightmares are made of.
Scorching Lasagna Cupcakes
These super cheesy lasagna cupcakes are almost bite-sized and come with all the glorious heat of Mad Dog too. Is there anything more you could ask for?
Snackable Scorpion Sliders
If you’re wondering why you need this recipe more than any other on the planet; it’s because it’s the most incredible food when paired with cold beer.

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