Blog — home cooking
First Date Foods to Avoid
When it comes to food, you probably have your favorites, but there are certain types of food you may want to stay away from on a first date. While some people point to messy cuisine, certain types of food may simply be too hot to handle!
Super Salsas for Watching Sports at Home
Need a scorching salsa recipe for watching sports at home? Check out these spicy Mad Dog salsas now. They’re better than you thought possible.
Staying Home? Travel the World with Mad Dog Hot Sauces
If you want a positive spin on the situation, think of it as a chance to clear through your hot sauce stash.
Mad Dog Asks You to Stay Safe Out There
Whatever you do, for fun or for work, we’re all in this together now. COVID-19 is the reality we’re facing for the near future. And whether you’re on the front lines or holed up at home trying to stop the spread to protect healthcare workers and the lives they’re trying to save, we’re here with you.

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