Health Benefits — peppers
Prairie Fire Tequila Shots Growing in Popularity
If you find yourself craving the hot stuff you don’t even have to wait until the meantime. One of the hottest things out there right now comes in a tiny glass, but you’d better be up for it. The Prairie Fire tequila shot is certainly hot, and we don’t just mean in terms of its popularity. It seems the Prairie Fire is everywhere these days, but it’s only for the bravest of the brave. That doesn’t, of course, mean that people are necessarily heeding the warning.
Spice Up Your Morning With a Burning Hot Breakfast
If you suffer from the early morning blues, it may be time to spice up your morning routine with a burning hot breakfast! Sometimes it’s tough to get going in the early hours, but that’s no reason to start your day with a bland, tasteless meal. While a cup of coffee can definitely give you a caffeine boost, sometimes a cup or two isn’t enough. That’s when you know you need a real pick-me-up, and this one doesn’t come in a mug.
Mild Peppers May Help Burn Calories
We're liberal about piling on the hot chilies in our food, and science suggests there's even some benefit to the sweating we're doing when we eat them -- it burns calories.

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